Heede & Moestrup -
Graphic editions -
The list below is written in
Danish. In the first column You'll find the name of the artist.
In the next column the title
is written, while the measurements follow in the 3rd column.
The 4th column is
the price for one piece in Danish kroners (DKK). The last column is the price in DKK for the whole portfolio of graphic described in the 2nd column. All prices are included VAT. See also the menu "The Artists" to see more of our editions of original litographs in bigger size, better format etc - some of them with links to works / data - just "press" on the artists name...
Mål angiver papirets mål. Priser er i
DKK incl. 25% moms. ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ Mål angiver papirets mål. Priser er i
DKK incl. 25% moms. ____________________________________________________ Mål angiver papirets mål. Priser er i
DKK incl. 25% moms. ____________________________________________________ Mål angiver papirets mål. Priser er i
DKK incl. 25% moms. ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ Mål angiver papirets mål. Priser er i
DKK incl. 25% moms. ____________________________________________________ Mål angiver papirets mål. Priser er i
DKK incl. 25% moms. ____________________________________________________ Mål angiver papirets mål. Priser er i
DKK incl. 25% moms. Der tages forbehold for trykfejl, udsolgte
varer m.v. International Customers:
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